
Grand Canyon Press invites submissions from July 1-July 30. We publish six to twelve titles a year and are highly selective. We’re open to novellas, novels, short story collections, essay collections, creative nonfiction, and memoirs. The manuscript must be compelling and well edited. Marketability is not a factor as long as the author is willing to follow our instructions. Our aim is to help the books we believe in find as a large an audience as possible.

To submit, send a one-page cover letter, a concise one to two-page synopsis, and the first 30 pages of your manuscript to SubmitGCP at (Replace the “at” with an @.) Send the manuscript as a Word document (.doc /.docx /.rtf).

  • Use Times New Roman as the font. Don’t use any “cute” fonts.

  • Set the page size to 8.5×11 inches with one inch margins.

  • Double space the manuscript.

  • Do not use block formatting with space between paragraphs. Set paragraph indents to .5 inch. Remove all tabs at the beginning of paragraphs. If you used spaces to start your paragraphs, remove those spaces.

  • Left justify the text, leaving the right side unjustified.

  • Use a single space after periods. If you have two spaces after the period, then do a search and replace before submitting the manuscript.

  • Use page breaks at the start of a new chapter.

  • To begin a new chapter, don’t just keep hitting return until you create a new page. Rather, use page breaks.

  • In Word, place the cursor at the end of a chapter, then click “Insert > Break > Page Break” in Word’s top menu.

  • Number the pages. Begin numbering on the page your story begins.